Jed and Jacklyn Tie The Knot =^.^=

Here's another wedding announcement of one of my ex-colleagues. Really, what's with so many people getting married in the months Nov and Dec each year? Is there something to do with couples hoping to get more ang-pow right before pockets are emptied for CNY? Hehe, correct me if I'm wrong..Frankly, I was rather honoured Jac invited me to her din din as we had only known each other (in person & in the company) for about 4 months, perhaps? I guessed it had something to do with us being lunch partners.

I had heard from Jac that this wedding din din was planned like a year ago as this venue is unimaginably popular and difficult to book. Plus, a certain someone even told me minimum RM 100 as angpow! Pressure, pressure...So, I was thinking the food must be fantastic with abalone and scallops and sea cucumber? Hoho, you will never find me craving for those delicacies as I'm not a fan of them. I think the only 'rich-man's food' I enjoy is sharksfin. My mum used to say 'bodoh-la'. hee hee.

The simple yet elegant reception area of Oriental Pearl Restaurant, Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club. Last time I was here many years ago was to attend a concert for boy band, Blue :-)

Choy Phyll, Moon, Jacklyn (the happy bride) and Me
The banquet hall which is a very long one. We were seated towards the back and as I took a long walk towards the front of the hall...

Hurray, 'A' means we'll be served good clean food!

I finally made my way towards the front of the stage and managed to get this shot before more guests had their eyes glued on me, wondering if I was some hired photographer/ close relative who kept clicking away.
I soon noticed there were more 'uncles and aunties' in the front section of the hall, while it was all youngsters at the back (eh-hem, that includes me of course)

Me, Fong Fong, Yong (it's been so long!) & Choy Phyll (wow, love that shoulder-drooping pose la! tee-hee)
What's with that bunny-tooth grin, Jin -oo-
Our table was an equal distribution of male and female (Fong's an outsider here),
too bad the food portion was gender-biased. Hmpph!
Whilst I had my backside facing the stage, people like MarkLim, Jeffrey and wifey had the view of a pillar. Haha..lesson learnt - to come early to a wedding din din for the best seats in the room!
Fong in black stokings...Phuittt!
'Cute as a button' Jin & Moon
Can't get any cuter than this...especially if you have a photographer like yours truly! >.<
Let me show you what we had...Shark's Fin Soup (of course!)
Herbal Chicken wrapped in bag

At the funeral of Mr Fish (notice the 'flowers' strewn over it?)

Curried Prawns - only half plate left when I suddenly remembered to take a photo of it!
Fried Rice with teeny-weeny Anchovies
Broccoli and Mushroom Dish

My fave was this Dessert!

Choy Phyll/ Jeffrey/ Mark : "YAM YAM YAM YAAAAAAAMMM.......SENG!"
Moon : "yam seng"
May you have a happy and blissful marriage, J&J =^.^=

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