Morning After A.D.

The morning after my company's Annual Dinner (AD) left me with a stiff neck...Well, not exactly 'morning' since I only managed to crawl out of bed at 2 pm as a result of tucking into bed only at 5 am. Still, I had great fun from the moment I got my hair done at 10 am (! hairdresser was like 'fuaa, so early you come do hair...when come dinnertime, hair fall apart ohh..') and my response was 'sei lor sei lor...then u must put a lota lota spray..make hair hard hard hor..'

Despite our AD being held on a Friday, I am glad I didn't have to rush coz I had the day off so I took my own sweet time at the salon. First I was afraid, I was petrified... that my updo of half-bun pin-up would make my head look disastrously huge (like an alien's) but by the end of the night, I was beaming gleefully (inside of course!) as it didn't turn out too bad after all! *once again, beaming as I'm writing this*.

I mean, it should have looked alright if people were asking me questions like where I got it done (Brickfields), how long it took (an hour) and how much (yes Mark and Patrick, it most definitely costs > RM 15...what century are you living in?!). To be precise, it was worth every 35 Ringgit spent. Hmm, I'm now thinking, if I return them the 44 hairpins that were stuck in my hair, can I get a discount on my next hairdo? It was a night that I felt so 'princess-sy' (and I don't get that many chances), it actually made me miss those times when the J*** used to get remarks like 'wow, your gf's so pretty' and all. Haha, don't puke on me now. My point is, GUYS, you gotta shower your girl (special or normal friend) with compliments once in a while. Girls like that and they go all softie and mushy inside (of course we don't show it, but try detecting a slight blush..*coy*)

I'm glad I at least got a RM100 voucher from the lucky draw. Otherwise, it'll just be me and my personalised mug (door gift), which is one BiiiG mug, by the way.

Towards the end, we danced the night away as we boogied till 1-ish (my idea of a good work out and tummy slimming!) followed by a quick supper (Mark & his Hokkien Mee...urgh, what were you thinking!).

Yaawwnn...time to catch up on my sleep. I'll definitely be putting up the photos soon. For now, let me sleep off this stiffness...*crack*


  1. Well, I guess the guys think that everything takes minimal effort... Like we woke up in the morning looking perfect and all. LOL. I guess the guys will always be guys.

    Can't wait to see those photos, you looked REALLY HOT that night.

    Enjoy what's left of the weekend ;)

  2. Ha ha...true..we girls are sucker for compliments, well not "we" as certain, but "me" definitely
    I cant wait to see the photos ....

  3. Everyone's HOT in their way, darling! HOT-ness is skin 'my' case, I'm one heaty (yit-hei)babe!
