not forgotten ...

I'm sorry this is a sad entry from me....

...I know this is one entry I must write and probably not read it a second time.

...You may or may not want to go on reading but I feel I need to pour out my feelings at this moment.

I was just back from accompanying a friend with her Christmas shopping.

I did not know why but as I was showering just now, all of a sudden I began to cry...

Yes, I may have had an upsetting encounter with a colleague in the evening just now, but I knew it couldnt have caused this feeling of sadness to wash over me.

I then realised it must be triggered by the memory of 12th Dec because this was the day He decided to tell me He was leaving.

13th Dec was His birthday and He had chosen the midnight of 12th Dec to break the news to me...And this, after I bought him a Victoria Station birthday dinner and movie that same night.

I might be the forgetful type but sadly, when a person says some hurtful things, it sticks in your mind for a very very long time. I really wish I could erase the memory of those things He said to me.

I had asked myself again and again, what kind of person does that?

You do not even do this sort of thing to a friend, whatmore to your girlfriend...

It got me thinking about all the sacrifices I had made for Him, not to mention all the bought gifts of a RM800 G-Shock watch, Man U jersey, RM 300 Fossil watch, air ticket to Cambodia, entire collection of Dilbert, Sony PSP and trip to Manchester.

Maybe I should be thankful that I will not need to spend for His birthday (anymore) but knowing that I myself will not be getting anything special from a love of my life this year is probably why I got so emotional just now.

I know many of you out there have never and will probably never experience what I had been through. You are lucky.

To Him, thanks for giving me my most unforgettable birthday.

And I really have just one last thing to say...

If you want to break up with someone, please do not cause a bigger heartache by doing it on either one's birthday, especially if the birthday of the person you're leaving is only 7 days away.

And to all the happy couples out there, PLEASE cherish your other half and NEVER EVER take each other for granted.



  1. Oh dear...
    Cry in the shower or rain..and let your tears be washed away...
    And like what you always tell me: "be tough gal!":)
    You've done well...keep it on, will always be there for you..

  2. There's no reason to be sad for someone who don't love you anymore.. Happy and cheer for those around which still love and care about you.. And wish him a happy birthday too..

  3. Oh My
    He doesn't deserve you gal, and you should be thankful u don't end up marrying the person whom you know will hurt u n betray you in the future. Yes, heart break is painful, and heartbreak is something that will not go off in a matter of 2-3 months' time
    MOve on, be happy with someone who love you.. That'll be the best revenge for him (haih..sorry ah, I'm a vengeful type of person. Thus the bad advice)

  4. That proves that he is such a cheapo, to the extent that he actually waited for his birthday gift before breaking up with you. If he is indeed a man, he should've done it much earlier or else waited until after your birthday. You should thank your lucky stars that you didn't have to spend the rest of your life with a guy like him!

    And a wonderful girl like you deserves someone a million times better.

    "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it was, and always will be yours. If it never returns, it was never yours to begin with.
    However, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and never behaves as if you actually set it free in the first place, you either married it or gave birth to it." - Author unknown

  5. When you think of it again in few years' time, you may laugh about it. That's life. No one's life is smooth sailing. As for me, I have even more 'nightmares' than you. But it is OK, this will soon become a dirt underneath your shoes.

    Will get over it with all your good friends around. We will be there when you need us...not forgetting my RIA also ya......

  6. Thanks guys for being my friend...I know I can count on you! ^__^

  7. Let go of the past and move on...Life is for you to cherish and you got a bright future to look forward too...
