Fur Bearing Fish = Fish with Fur?

Dear People,
It's 1.20 am and I'm still wide awake..Helppppp...!
Darn, probably coz I was overly excited just about an hour ago after succeeded going online...yup, been having trouble logging on for a few days now...
yalor, that's why I've missed blogging..........although there's not much happening in my life since the cny hols.......but then, I don't mind just writing crap which also means you love reading crap too... :P

I was just reading my astrology (i know, i know ...I told myself to quit reading those stuff) and this is the funny bit - this one's actually listed down the 'feng-shui' items I need to buy and display in my home/ on my desk/ in my car/ around my neck/ under my pillow/ god knows where else. It amuses me how this people come up with such items, not to mention their given names and what da heck do these things look like anyway? Here are some of those barang-barang or 'remedies' (I suppose) if you're a Horsie :

1)The Peach Blossom Star ... for relationships (so peachy la the name)

2)Golden Deities Star ... for divine help (waaaah i sure need this)

3)Medicine Buddha Jewel (must only be put in the living room somemore)... for good health

4)Mhasthamaprapta Buddha (Mha-what?)... improve life force (this is a mouthful but I think it's to make feel super-being or something)

5)Friendship Amulet ... to mend relationships (now now, just come to me if you think it's 'broken')

6)Kuan Kung / Kuan Yin ...in dining room only... (for endless supply of good food?)

7)Fur Bearing Fish & Makara Dragon ... to preserve harmony (in both song and life, I think)

8)Golden Universal Tortoise with Manjushri .. for good luck (HAH, I've got a golden tortoise at my workplace....wait till I find out what is M...man...jush...ri..)

9) Mandarin Duck ...I know I KNOW WHAT'S THIS FOR! For me to find my be-BeH lor.

I wonder if I can find the 'cheap' / 'small' versions of these things. Onnnly to satisfy my curiousity, as I'm not the least superstitious...which reminds me, I still get confused over 'the black cat crossing in front of me' tale...is it bad luck if the cat walks from my left to right or the other way round?
I can imagine the blank look on the store-keeper's face if I tell him I'm looking for a 'Fur Bearing Fish'. He'll probably chase me away to the wet market.
Well, if you want to know your 'remedies' for 2009, just drop me a line!

OK, I better get some shut=.=eye or I might end up getting to work late.....again. my bad. Heee...

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