Pancake Fiesta

Meet 'Buckleberry'! Shall tell you more below....
I found a new passion for P-A-N-C-A-K-E-S! And I had them on 3 separate occasions in a single week! me cwazee...Once at International House of Pancakes, Pavilion (seen above - Set Lunch of Roast Chicken, Macaroni & Cheese and Salad Taco;
and Right - Regular Fluffy Pancakes with a tiny scoop of ice cream and even tinier sausages! love the maple syrup)
and twice in this place...Still, I find the BEST Pancakes (in terms of variety and quality) still come from Paddington House of Pancakes ( For first-timers, going through its heavy, thick-binded menu might take you 15 minutes! It even contains the history of pancakes and is packed with hundreds (ok, maybe <100)>Siu-V's recommendation : 'Buckleberry'/ RM 16.50 (a perfect combination of Blueberry pancakes with Beef Bacon and Scrambled Eggs...with lots and lots of maple syrup of course! Ain't it pretty with the cherry tomatoes on the side?)
The BEST part of the 'Buckleberry''s OOOOOZing with Cream Cheese stuffed inside its pancake! Look at it! Look at it!

I always go for their Hot Choco with Marshmallow (RM 7) I found 2 versions of its Marshmallow in 2 different branches I went...this one's in 1 Utama
and the one in The Gardens has a flower-shaped Marshmallow (sorry, I deleted the photo of it!) Their fruit smoothies are damn nice the Passion Fruit and Strawberry Smoothie...haha, this is one place you won't see me ordering carrot milk!

This one's called 'Brussels' (RM 18.50) - some naan look-alike soy-wheat/ grain pancake with bacon (if you squint your eyes and view closely, the bacon is also pressed into the pancake while'd they do that?!) topped with eggs 'sunny-side-up' (haha, i love saying that), baked beans and once again, the tomatoes! This dish is frequently ordered for health reasons i guess..haha
Now, this dish is called 'Double G Sausage' (RM 22.50)...with ham and eggies as well..quite simple la this one despite it being quite pricey...

Hey go in a crowd and this dish is fun to order! It's called 'Big Piles'/ RM 16) (ok, quirky name for those who are thinking of the medical condition, haemorrhoids!) but what da heck, it's light, crispy, addictive and their 3 dip selection is very good!
Now, the highlight is supposed to be this Oven Roasted Spring Chicken (RM 35.50) which took 45 minutes to cook! Sorta felt cheated la coz the picture in the menu was an avg sized chicken but it turned out to be much smaller...and quite tough too the meat..cooked in a puffed-pancake with other spring vege like zucchini and sweet onions.
Dessert time! Too full? Then best to share this 'Strawberry Nuts Pancake' (RM 10.50).

Most important when eating in this place...

Be generous with the maple syrup! hahaha.... and

Remember to call me along! ^-^

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