To have dinner lor.
AND to celebrate someone getting one year older..erm, wiser I mean.
We actually had a theme going on here (we were supposed to all wear BLUE as it was Yin's fave colour) and coincidentally it also seems to be the restaurant's theme colour as they have aqua green and navy blue cushions matching cream sofas.
And we were greeted by a very cosy and calm interior of white birdcage lamps(trademark!) hanging from the ceiling. Minimalistic decor yet maximum effect!
Only danger of me going to these type of dim-lit restaurants - I easily doze off.
The threesome, as usual...heee
Yup, birthday girl can pose with any guy she wants in the room.
Moon can pose with any girl he wants in the room (?)
This one is exclusive geh... soree soree if I just made you wince, lol.
I just have to show you the food they served! With such a name for a restaurant, everyone was expecting dinner to be damnnnnn sedaaaaaap!
This is one of my fave all-time drinks. Used to be much more chocolatey though when I last had it 3 years ago.
THIS, I forgot. It's either the Thai Cooler or Lemongrass and Lychee Frost. Still, both are their best-sellers. Refreshing but you just gotta get used to having serai in your drink.
Very very red raspberry cooler!
For the vegans (SOOO not Derek to be ordering this... till we found out he just had a real heavy, protein-loaded, LDL cholesterol-friendly buffet at ShangriLa the night before... -_-)
Best-seller no 1
Best-seller no 1 + some mee to go along with it (just like how I like only rojak and some like MEE rojak)
I was surprised that Tan with such high-demanding standards ended up with this dish. Like to 'call chicken' is it?
3 people ordered this. I think 'sundried' was referring to the tomatoes they used. Otherwise, how to eat pasta that has been dried under the sun?
This apptizer came recommended by our waitress which I think I could have made better.
Birthday girl Yin ordered this. Told her she can order anything she wanted + soup + salad + blah blah but this was all she wanted. Ok lah, at least it was the most expensive main course amongst us. Eh-hem. Also the reason I cannot reveal the prices here coz she's my regular bloggee (is there such a word since i'm the blogger?)
I think she mentioned something like her mum could have done a better 'sweet n sour fish' at home......
Or maybe it was me thinking aloud.
Here comes my order of a 'not-as-crispy-as-I-wanted Salmon'. And the asparagus was SOOO old, it was as if the restaurant knows I'm fibre-deprived.
Luckily the fish was tender and potatoes fluffily full of flavour (heee that's a tongue-twister!)
I get better money's worth salmon from Imbi. heee.
I would say stick to their best sellers. There's a reason they're called that.
I was more looking forward to their much talked about, legendary desserts.
Oo-la-la, their dessert's corner!
What's left of their desserts for the day...Not much variety here probably coz mostly sold during the day or they don't make too much coz they make it fresh every day?
Ooooh Cupcakes are always such a pretty sight, aren't they?
I have to start making prettier frosting as well.
I have to start making prettier frosting as well.
Quite pricey though at RM 11.90+
Cake or bread?
Either these people are drunk or they just go all limp staring at those mouth-watering goodies!
Birthday girl finally chosen her cake (slice)
Card on fire!!
One for the album!
Two for the album!
You started out really small
You've done quite well since your start
It's your birthday, so don't feel down
Don't think bad stuff and frown
Your life should be filled with mirth
Just look what you've done since your birth.
You started out really small
Now you're really filled out and tall
In the beginning you would just cry
Now you can laugh if you try.
You've done quite well since your start
So as you grow older take heart
Keep up the good work and don't be a jerk
Stay happy till you're an old fart.
(By Karl Fuchs) (hehe, so blame him)
Eh hem...this regular bloggee would like to thank Siu V blogger for posting this blog for all bloggees(minus some of the 'statements' which were just imagined by the blogger)...haha