johnson & johnson hunt

Finally I've gotten the photos for the Johnson & Johnson TH which I participated in 3 months plus ago. Being the novice hunter, it's only wise to weigh the returns from its cost so I would normally go for TH that are 'for beginners' only-chances of winning at least a conso-prize are better ma.

This one, I agreed to join coz it was free anyway. *grin*

Yup, someone backed out last minute and I was invited to fill in the empty slot. Astounding turnout of 100 cars! There were 2 categories; one open for the public and another closed for J&J staff.

Check out our bright yellow dri-fit T given to us for the hunt. This is me with Alicia and Josephine (the navigator...thank God coz I would suck if it was me), arriving at the place where we were flagged off-the J&J HQ in Jalan Tandang, PJ.

Our Driver, Mr Yap (ah-Thiam), a very very skillful driver, I must say. Thus, the kind of driver best suited for hunts like this. Though all we made him focus on was the driving part, it wasn't an easy feat manoeveuring through traffic and squeezing our car into the right tight spaces whenever we needed to jump out of the car to look for clues!

Queueing up for registration also can look so happy geh!

There was a huge van with free breakfast on stand-by. So cool.

Look at the amount of food and drinks we got.

All set to go!!!
Fear not should your car break down, the hunt organisers even equipped us with a list of AAM workshops.
At one point, we got panicky coz we were confused on interpreting the route sheets. I even started sms-ing people dy...Luckily we got it all sorted out right before the flag-off. phew.
And the hunt begins...
First time I encountered a picture puzzle which required us to identify which billboard or shop signage it belonged to. Here's an example of how a sharp eye for detail helps a great deal.
Yup, it's referring to that little sliced olive on the pizza alright.
After some 5 hours later, we arrived at our checkpoint in Port Dickson and were given an additional task challenge to gain bonus points! yippee.
Too bad of all the games we could have played, it was ARCHERY.
I found this task quite impossible coz the only way to gain points were if we could pop one of those balloons and it was super windy that day, hence the balloons were being blown in all directions. how can, man.....
We were quite fast to complete the entire hunt so we were able to chill indoors while waiting for the rest to complete.
Lunch was served, of course. Nothing fancy, we were starving and tired anyway.
Moment of truth!
Judging by the number of participants, we weren't quite sure if we stood any chance of winning anything at all.
So, imagine our shocked faces when were announced we got 13th placing. This is my share..all mine!!! muahahahaha....
no effort ma, so we share geh.
This was funny...towards the end, Alicia going up stage just to receive her lucky draw prize...a hand towel. And one with a Standard Chartered brand on it.
Guess what was in that huge box we got.....
J&J products!
A whole boxful.
Now, that's an entire year of smelling fresh and clean.


  1. u really a treasure hunter far i know nvr fail to win ;D

  2. oh tidak la...juz join in for the thrill!
    ada chan, kita satu team join lagi jom!

  3. the revival of tsunami? hmmm....tempting tempting.....

  4. no hunt, no fun & no prize...come on gals & guy...let's do it again!!

  5. wah..betapa semangatnya team tsunami ni...i LIKE!
