hey you

thank you for the countless ways

you've touched my heart

on lonely nights and rainy days

you're always here, you play a part

love you for your patience

when i lose myself or forget my keys

you help me with your guidance

i'm here for you too, i promise you this

you wow-ed me with america's suiteheart

you surprised me at rendezvous

one love story and i became your sweetheart

deardear happy anniversary, i love you.

...and now, the BM version...

kata orang, cinta kita membara

paling ku suka, saat-saat kita bergembira

membunuh naga sambil menumpaskan kiera

anda satu-satunya my knight in shining iswara.
xoxo, dear


  1. awwww... how sweet.... is there a cantonese version? LOL

  2. why ur bm version soo short???
    wonder why its sooo 'jiwang karat'???

  3. byzura: hmm i know jiwang karat sounds familiah..does it mean gooose bumps ah? or dat my poetry so berkarat liao...lol

    mark: cantonese? hmmm...fraid my deardear dun und cantonese ge wor..heee

  4. rite... he cant und ur typical cantonese kan? LOL

  5. Show the real persons picture please......

  6. real person?
    sure, i'll intro u if u intro urself 1st.. >.^

  7. Im the real slim shady...

  8. so u must be standing up now..... =_=

  9. I m up here watching the interesting love drama. Wish you all the best and hope it's a happy ending.

  10. u shd just stop at di Eng poem, it was romantic and lovely until ur BM version... LOL

  11. anonymous : sounds like either u're up there in heaven watching me or u're one floor above me in ofis..lol...neways, thks, i hope so too ;>

    sam : i know watchu mean...believe me not, the BM v. was intentionally put in last juz in case the english v. is too 'yok-ma' for some..lol..

    romantic u say? nothing beats declaring one's love thru a song..in public! (like someone i know)

  12. So that someone u know is the one that touched yr heart with his romantic song in the public? Old tactic to woo girls...LOL
