love story

Out of the blue, I'm feeling so blue.
And believe me, this feeling of uneasiness seldom strucks me, at least it hadn't for the past one year.
I guess I'm just really overwhelmed by what is happening around me.
Seeing a person's apple turn rotten on one side breaks my heart.
Even worse when the other good side of the apple starts to turn bad as well.
And I can't help but to cry out in my heart,
"Why do sad things happen to good people"(sniff)
Is there such a thing as life-long happiness and everlasting love?
I want to believe there can be.
That's why I'm searching for my happy ending.


  1. hmmm got out on the wrong side of the bed today?

  2. la..feeling sad only..
    much betta today.

  3. :) let's do wat everyone does when they're blue... let's blame the weather, shall we??

    glad u're better! :)

  4. yup..and this teaches us that you muz bear all consequences of your own action.

  5. You should be happy now since you have found your lover and on the way to a happy ending soon...
