'baby needs' ...

Apart from a healthy balanced diet, here are my 10 'baby needs' ....

1. I've never heard of a maternity toothpaste before, but since i got this free, why not use it... :-P

2. My stretch mark lotion to keep my 'itching' days at bay. I switched from Pureen to Mothercare's UK imported cream (smells like sweet coconut) after i found the latter more effective.

3. Baby needs an occasional boost of bird's nest to replenish nutrients and for a fairer skin. Sorree, hubby doesn't get a share of this. ALL MINE!...muahahaha

4. A good friend recommended Elken's Dr Xeniji; a fruit and vege supplement fermented for >3 years in Japan, thus turning it into an enzyme catalyst. In short, it's nourishing for preggy mums and baby for a healthy metabolism. My most expensive companion (by far) these 9 months...almost 600 bucks a bottle!

5. Spirulina tablets - speaks for itself. No chemicals, all organic, hence it's safe for baby :o)

6. Doc introduced me to this DHA supplement to increase IQ (of the baby lo). Here's to another Einstein in the making? Stocked up on my supply from Caring Pharmacy after getting a great deal from them... RM 45/bottle.

7. Don't ever forget baby's daily intake of multivitamins to provide what your intake of food can't. I went from taking these little pink dolls to an iron pill called Sangobion. 

8. Manuka honey is a wonderful and absolutely safe remedy for coughs and colds, or even when you feel a sore throat coming. 

9. Another important baby need comes in the form of milk powder and i go for the Chocolate flavour.

10. Finally, once in a while, i can't help but crave for that cool taste of my fave carbonated drink...
(ok i admit, that's more like a 'mum wants')

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