something to ponder in life

I've had the pleasure of attending "Team-building : Building Bridges" at Berjaya Hotel conducted by one of the most charismatic and entertaining trainer i've ever seen. In fact, labeling him as a 'trainer' is simply undermining his abilities. He can easily pass off as a stand-up comedian!

I tried googling his name and striked gold! At least, i think this is the same person we're talking about.
 Err, too bad the link doesn't seem to try it.
Mr Alphonse in his most whimsical ways, taught me the 5 things we must remember to succeed in life:-

1) EGO must GO
2) Rubbish must THROW (in other words, throw all negativity out the window!)
3) Don't let the situation control you, I control the situation
4) Tuhan tau! (in other words, do unto others as you would have others do unto you ... leave the punishing to God!)
5) This world is a better place because of ME

Make sense hor? i'm gonna carry it with me from today onwards.

Coincidentally, the first contribution i made to society today was by rescuing one of nature's beauties....

 Poor birdie was trapped on the 16th floor of my condo...flapping her wings like mad trying to squeeze through the little gap of the window.
 All it took was a kind soul (that's me) to give a little push of the window to free ms birdie!
What a beauty, isn't she?


  1. this is someones' bird who escaped. Its not a local malaysia bird la.

  2. I like the 5 life rules :)
