air asia flies u for 10 cents!

decisions, decisions.......

Forget about sticking to my original schedule, getting to view the Flight Schedule page is already half the battle won! You see, they first place you in this so-called 'Waiting Room' for minutes and minutes, till which either the page fails to download or hallelulah, you get to view the flight details but not at the promo price you are hoping for. (drat)..u start cursing in your heart. 
So you then go back and forth repeating the same process until ....
1. you start pulling your hair out or
2. you start smacking your nearby colleague because you think he is Tony Fernandez or
3. your boss finds you doing something 'unproductive' (or in some companies, 'illegal') OR
4. finally, you stumble upon the cheapest rates for BOTH to and fro journeys! (your heart does a little somersault at this point :))

I experienced no. 4 right after 2 hours of searching the seemingly endless possibilities (thankfully the travel period is only from Feb - June 2012) and spent another 2 hours later trying to get my booking and payment through. Didn't help that i had to key in and re-key in the Guest Details like 4 times due to the alien-looking error messages that kept popping up. To make things worse, Maybank2U's TAC request was down today for Maxis users! (disgruntled look). Luckily i managed to get other means of payment through another bank's direct debit. Anything but paying by credit card where they make you pay a service fee for it!

Tell me, would you resort to all this hassle and distress for such mere savings? Only in Asian countries will you find such kiasu-ness for mad sales like this, but hey, i prefer to call it 'smart shopping'. :D
 Plus, it's only once that Air Asia holds a lelong-lelong like this on their 10th Year Anniversary. So why not take full advantage of it to see the world, or wherever Air Asia flies you. Seriously, the 10 cents rate (for one way) is applicable even to places like Bangkok! Now now, of course you still got to pay the airport tax and fuel surcharge (some places waived!).

In fact, last i hear, the tickets for Tokyo are already sold out!

For me, after a good long session of finger tai-chi (i mean clicking the mouse lor), i'm glad i managed to get tickets to one of my Asian countries wish-list, Hanoi in Vietnam.

Ah yes, beautiful Hanoi (and not too dirty i hope) is a city rich with tradition, in both food and culture. In my language, that means mad eating and mad shopping. tee~hee
 Then maybe i'll make a trip around Ha Long Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and gawk at their many limestone caves from a private junk.
 At RM 250 return air fare per pax, I think it's as good as it gets.
The entire process is truly a test of patience, my friend.

Patience will eventually get you the best deal, and patience also means waiting for your trip to finally unfold.
Like mine, which is booked for a year from now. :P

1 comment:

  1. I'm heading to Ho Chi Min this coming Nov:) You should result in on9 transaction which is way easier:)
