l o b s t e r m a n i a ! !

If you're looking for a lobster place that's above average yet affordable, I suggest Lobsterman (www.lobsterman.com.my).

I've heard people mention Victoria Station serves a good lobster meal. I however, beg to differ for it is not only costly (-ier) but I think the food quality has taken a turn for the worse, ever since my last dinner there on a Valentine's day.

Here I am at their SS2 outlet, enjoying their special dinner set @ RM 120++.

Don't worry, it's a set for two, not one.

My set consists of half a dozen escargot,
a bowl each of home-made mushroom soup
soup tasted so good i had forgotten to take photo of it earlier

Seafood pasta or you may choose Baked Seafood Rice,
and ta-daah....the star of the night... *_*
You can choose the method of cooking your lobster.
Obviously, I went for the all-time popular Lobster Thermidor (baked with cheese) and I loooooveedd it! The cheese wasn't hard at all (you know how some cheese hardens when it gets cold..?), soft and chewy at the right places and the lobster meat was surprisingly real easy to deshell. The meat so tender and fresh and 'crabby' (like crab).
I wouldnt bother teaching people how to 'attack' a lobster since there are probably a whole lot more profesional lobster eaters out there. My philosophy is, as long as you can pry your way in to retrieve the flesh, I don't care if you whack the shell open with your shoe.
If you go to a fancy restaurant, you may even choose your preference of Mr Lobster or Mrs Lobster. You learn this by checking out their 'swimmerets' (small feathery appendages beneath the tail). If they are hard and bony, it's a male; soft and feathery, then it's a female. In fact, females have a wider tail too.
Bet you also do not know that a male lobster is called a 'cock', while a female is a 'hen'.

Took me a good 30 minutes eating my share of half a lobster!
The fun part is definitely the twisting and breaking and pulling motion just to get that teensy-weensy bit of white flesh...hmmm...
And to top it off...........fresh fruit with a tiny dollop of whipped cream and mint leaf! It's a cute, unique presentation of the usual 'Fresh Fruits' taken off most menus.
Tea or Coffee or me?
Now, at this point of time, I was already rubbing my belly with the biggest grin on my face. (NICE!!)
After all, lobster IS one of those very few meal choices where you can actually choose your victim.
And isn't there something about lobsters being an aphrodisiac?

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