it's fasting time again...


What's the big deal you ask?

Well, tomorrow marks the first day of puasa month for the Muslims and wowee for me as this means...

* time to stuff myself with my fave pasar ramadhan goodies - Ayam Percik and Roti Jala!
* I can start demanding for raya cookies, lemang and rendang ayam from my Malay friends (Elly, Molly hint! hint!)
* I can look forward to my company's annual buka puasa dinner
* no more long queues or sardine-packed me in the lrt after work, as half the population would have gone back early
* I get to exercise my limbs as I join the crowd rushing to grab an empty table in one of those fast food outlets during time to berbuka
* I am more likely to win an argument with my Malay buddies as they should have less energy to argue with me..(hehe, pls dun hate me)

Not all is 'sugar and spice, and everything nice' though, as this month also means...

~ my favourite ikan bakar stall will be closed for the entire month (i've always wondered where they get their income during this month)
~ for the stalls that stay opened, you can't blame them if the food suddenly tastes bland or 'off-taste'.
~ you can suddenly see hoards of people hogging the mall food courts from as early as 6pm, watching the food on their trays turn cold.. ^^
~ it sucks that my Malay colleagues can get off work an hour earlier!
~ really limited choices for my morning brekkie (shucks, no more nasi lemak or apam balik)
~ no more snacking (or drinking water) in the open ....gotta respect la sikit

Nevertheless, time flies and in the blink of an eye, I'll be eating at the PM's open house, singing 'Selamat....Hari Raya...kepada saudara serta saudari...' (jom! jom!)


  1. Shuhaili aka ellySat Aug 22, 05:56:00 PM

    elly?! which elly hah? ekekke..

  2. elly the not so smelly jelly still in my belly that i took with kelly (clarkson), nelly (furtado) and bangalee hehe

  3. haiyooo babe, U arrrr....buka2 ur blog jer terus gambar ayam percik, roti jala, perut i terus berbunyi ooo. Kata bulan puasa, tp gambar makanan letak depan plak...huhuhu
