Get-together with old frens

Today was such a hectic day...worked my ass off first half of the day then had no choice but to leave a huge pile of work behind coz my good fren is registering her marriage today and asked me to be her witness. more photos of that occasion to come..anyway, later on i met with 3 old frens from secondary school days, Enk Hwa, Shin Yi and Dawn at Nandos, MV..the usual stuff happened..caught up on each other's work life (Dawn, YOU win hands down for having the best employer with the BEST benefits..i mean isnt it universal truth already that if you're an employee of Shell, there's simply no reason why you would want to EVER? amazing you have unlimited medical entitlement and dental+optical up to 1K/yr??), personal life (all still members of the Singles Club!), family life (so now we know whose parents often/ seldom come down and visit/ 'spot-check' on their kiddos in KL..)

We also managed to get a small tiramisu cake for Enk Hwa's belated bday celeb. We spent 3 hrs in Nandos..then wanted to catch a movie but tak jadi coz i was too up-to-date on the movies that i already watched whatever they wanted to..haha..also too bad i did not manage to take any photos, my hp ran out of battery! Samsung batteries really dun last long la..maybe it's true what aFu says..that you should charge ur hp for at least 4hrs and even though the bar is full doesnt mean it's a full charge. no wunder i had been charging me phone every day..huu huu..

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