thanks for the memories

It's only been a week in my new workplace, and what i'm not missing from my previous office is .... the freezing air-conditioning. As cold as my surrounding is, the warm reception from my new colleagues is more than welcomed. Surely being new, there's certainly much for me to pick up - new products, systems, policies, and for example, since i've been using Microsoft Outlook my whole life, now, i get to meddle with IBM's Lotus Notes. 
Ya, exciting times ahead. You can just tell by the smiley face right outside my cubicle. ^^ 

And of course, i can't avoid the occasional feeling of 'axa-sick' (get it, like in homesick or lovesick?). Pretty normal, since i've been an AXA parasite for 9 frigging long years. 
Yup, missing my cosy humble workstation that faces the wall, so no one can know that i've actually dozed off in front of my PC. Now every one of my peers would be wanting to sit there too. 

My last day in AXA was the most memorable of all my days there, touched by the beautiful farewell i was given, not to mention, the surprise gifts i got! Seriously, i did not feel deserving of them.
Especially when one of my 'unawared' colleague came up to wish me 'happy birthday', seeing all my presents and the flowers. ^^

The most meaningful 'money-can't buy' card is indeed precious.Yin was right to tell me to only read it at home - it was as tear-jerking as when Jack died in Rose's arms (how can you forget that famous Titanic scene)

Look, I didn't lie when i said i was shocked at receiving my going-away pressies.

Danny's just jealous that my other team members decided to make me a little something too.

Knowing that i'll be missing the company's forthcoming annual dinner, they decided to throw one for me. The theme was similar - 'Polka Dots and Stripes'.

We had the best creative designer and decorators in town - Vivian and Charmagne, supplying elaborate cut-outs for the entire team.

The cut-outs were suited to each individual's personality.

Crazy times with some crazy people......

How i envy my sweet young juniors who are easily a dozen years younger than me!

How i truly felt the love!

Sitting at the Broking Head's desk - Yin Pheng, you're the sassiest boss i've ever known!

At Yin's work station with Jin looking sharp with her Starbucks tumbler. Jin, stop taking one entire day just to finish your coffee. (Yin, i know you'll let her see this, now that it's posted on the Internet ^^)

I was taken to a lovely dinner at Rendezvous restaurant.

Dinner with cheese fondue included!

Lighting was pretty bad there, but who cares!

The night was still young so we just had to pop over next door to Caffeinees.

I had Gingerbeer, which was literally Ginger (tea) + Heineken. haha, crazy i know.
But the night finally ended with me feeling kinda bittersweet. =.=

I will forever cherish the times of joy and pain (more joy definitely!) in the office.

We will always remain the 'Tiga Sekawan', even though we are out of sight, but never out of mind.

Stay wacky y'all!

Till we meet again!! 

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