
Having a newborn in our lives is not all hoopla. 
The fact is we have never been so deprived of sleep these 2 months (and running). Being able to 'steal' an hour or even 30 mins of nap time during the day feels like an achievement of great success.
It doesn't help either that Darren is real punctual when it comes to feeding time.
He could be sound asleep one moment and suddenly break into the biggest wail the next moment, wanting to be fed right away. Dragging myself out of my snoring slumber is both mentally and physically draining. 

Just this morning at 4.30am, i couldn't even keep my eyes open while struggling to bottle-feed Darren. Waving a hundred bill in front of me would not even wake me. I was just THAT sleepy. 

Here's how Darren's father would usually be like during middle-of-the-nite feeds. Note, photos are not posed. 

 This was dear experimenting with the 'over the lap' burping motion on Darren.
Risky, but ...
 ... strongly resembles a certain super hero at times.

More often than not, father's spontaneous reactions would draw this endearing puzzling look from child...

yawnnn..... that's all for now....i see a chance for a nap right now!

p.s. - dun worry, that was the first and last time we tried the above burping technique, deemed too risky and messy should Darren vomit milk all over the carpet. tee~hee.

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