First of all, let me introduce my team members which I can proudly say, I hand-picked
Team Dark Knights :- Sahrizah, Gwen, me and Nasha
And here were the other competing teams...
And here were the other competing teams...
Yes, as you may know by our team names, we were to name ourselves after a cartoon/ comic character. I think you'd agree the name 'Dark Knights' sounds perfect(!) to instil that fear and cowardice in the other opponents...
... even if it means I have to destroy another team's cheerleading props. muahahaha...
As we listened attentively (have to pretend ma) to the instructions being given, you start to wonder what da bejesus are we expected to do with a plastic tray and an empty styrofoam bowl sitting inside it.
using our hot breath
...or rubbing it against the arms for body heat!
Our next task had nothing to do with eating a bowl of my fave 'lok tao sui' (green bean dessert).
We had to drop spoonfuls of the beans to fill up this container...hands off!
Gaya man, smoking a cigar!
Half of the time, we had to search high and low, left and right, in and out for 'buried treasures' like balloons, pens, and whaddaya know, green beans too.
We were to melt a huge block of ice (about the size of a soft drink paper cup) to retrieve our very first message which was frozen smack in the middle of the ice!
Hence, ideas started pouring out to melt it using the fastest and easiest methods like
using a towel,
using a towel,
alas, shy to admit we were the last team to complete the melting task... ;0(
oh, how our hearts melted away as we saw the champions title slipping away..
Due to our slightly 'off' tactic, we took like 13 minutes, double the time of the first team (dang those Phantoms!) to retrieve our message which was like all wet, torn and tattered by the time we crawled and gnawed our way to it. See how tergopoh-gapah we were! LoL..
Half of the time, we had to search high and low, left and right, in and out for 'buried treasures' like balloons, pens, and whaddaya know, green beans too.
Here's one at our Customer Reception area.
This was me molesting the potted plant. GUess I was too engrossed, I didn't even noticed the 'treasure' was right where the arrow pointed.
yiPPee...even though 'Counter Closed', but these girls were still working hard cheering us on!!
The final hurdle was a Q&A on what else, but AXA.
It was a race against time and limbs(!) as we worked in pairs to transport a balloon from one end to another using our heads, shoulders, buttocks, knees and fingers!
gee, it was like back to being in my primary school during telematch day.
Glad to say we championed this part of the hunt.
Throw in some trivia questions like 'name the most poisonous snake' and it becomes a game for adults.
Luckily we had Nasha onboard to remember which meeting room is Mawar, Orkid, Melur, ...(??) And who even notices how many fishes there are on 27th floor's fish tank?!
Until next time......