Not that anybody really likes 'celebrating' getting old(er), but nonetheless, we threw one for our tai-ka-jie, Vanessa in celebration (whoops there's that word again) of her XXth birthday.
Seriously, I've not a clue on her real age. Better left that way eh? heehee
Seriously, I've not a clue on her real age. Better left that way eh? heehee
who's the birthday girl?
So we went to this place called 'The Zun Kitchenette'. Not familiar?
Sounds like some place that serves Greek food eh?
We (ok, I) have never tried this place before, plus we didn't have that many choices to choose from since Vanessa gave us the following criterion - perferably good Chinese food + air-conditioned + comfortable environment + ample parking space + good-looking waiters/ waitresses (ok, this one I just made up...aren't we a good-looking bunch already?).
So, Yin went 'hmm EuYanSang..good place...serves good soup for the elderly and the health-conscious..let's go there' . I choose to be categorised under 'the health-conscious' since I AM a Health underwriter by profesion (gee, that sounds kewl when i say it)
Outside our room, the entire place was actually empty and so quiet that if someone farted, it would only be the waiters and waitresses eyeing one another.
So, here's what we ate...let's see how many of these you've tried before
End of the day, it's the priceless companionship of precious friends and loved ones that count (oish, spoken like a wise philosopher).
And we could certainly do away with the companionship of this waiter who was peeping at something in Vanessa's hands.
Yup, trust us to come up with the best-decorated card for anybody's birthday. Too bad I had forgotten to snap the front of the card.
Vanessa's card is extra special coz it contained 3 self-written poems by Mark, Tan and yours truly. Poems that will only bring out the maximum effect when sung out by our very talented MarkLim. The effect it brings out in a person (as you are about to see in Vanessa).....are indeed phenomenal.
fyi, just found out that your name, 'vanessa' means female butterfly in Greek. awww...
hmph! no comments from me,.... jz one clarification tho.... i'm not gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sniff sniff while posing gay looks*