This year was no exception and since my birthday fell on a Saturday, I wasn't expecting much (really!) apart from maybe a quiet pre-birthday dinner with my besties (muaks!) and then there was my mountain adventure to look forward to the following day (siu V boleh!).
Little had I known that on Friday evening (one day before), there was this pre-arranged cake-cutting ceremony for me. Hmm, that sounded too formal.
How bout, there was a little 'ta-daah... S U R P R I S E !!' cake-EATING celebration for me.
It all started in a very composed manner, with Jin coming over to my place and started fidgeting with my pressies...(that seems normal)
Then Jin started asking all these weirdly unrelated questions like who gave me this, why they gave me that, why this colour, blah blah...(hmm, starting to seem out-of-place)
After awhile, more people were walking past me going in and out the meeting room behind me...(ok, someone must be having some kinda meeting soon)
I tried peering into the meeting room but Jin kept on yakking away....
hahaha....that was funny thinking back now
Then MarkLim walked past and purportedly trying to distract me, shouted 'Come, come Steven call for meeting'....(what, with so many different departments?)
And that was when I was finally dragged into the meeting room like this...
This is the loveliest birthday cake I've ever gotten!
and it was Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-LiCious! It was from Chocolate Lounge, Pavi (aww guys! sniff)
Look, they even came in their uniform.
If only it was on my nose, then I could be Rudolph!
As confusing as the menu can get (they have all sorts of combo meal that you can have add-ons/ 'substitute with's...), the food was not bad for the price and ambience plus free entertainment!
This is the Chicken Maryland,
Like their Christmas deco behind us.
You can see from Mark and Moon's head, how close we were to them. Nope, there weren't any familiar faces to me, though Fong did recognise a few were rejects from the Astro Superstar competition. Didn't sound like rejects to me at all,...they sang Brilliantly WELL! Even our own Superstar Mark got a lesson or two from them..hehe
Moon : oh! hee heee
Sa jie : Must strategize game plan
Derek : Why nobody ask me want to play or not...hmmm
Mark : Who your daddy now...I amm....
Sa jie : See see!
Mark : I dunch belif u got 12 sixes...OPEN UP!
Moon (in bubble) : (hehe, I've got 2 sixes hidden in my palm)
Mark : I AM THE GOD OF GAMBLER!!! Muahahaha.
Sa jie : Aiyok. your saliva-lah Mark!
Moon : Yawwnn...i wanna sleep i wanna sleep ...
Sa jie : HAHAHAHA I've never been out so late past midnight, I'm having a blast!!
Thanks for the sweet memories!
oh oh, these 2 had too much to drink perhaps?
(hope I have not humiliated you in any way ya? >.^) You guys ROCK!
People tell me 'Welcome to the 30's club!' and I'm thinking, 'yeah really? Coz I still feel like I'm 25!' When my sister sms-ed me 'cannot believe u're 30!', it got me thinking 'How DOES A Person Grow Up?' Apart from the developing stages in life (getting hitched, married, kids,...), I think what matters most is at whatever age you set your mind to be at, THAT'S how one should live their life.
Happy Birthday to me (=^.^=)
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